Quisque at nibh ac purus aliquet accumsan
Amet ipsum id sem quis mauris porttitor conse quat id vitae dolor. Phasellus ligula velit molestie rhoncus ullamcorper mauris ultricies mi at pharetra lorem.
Located in southeastern Pennsylvania, R-V Industries, Inc. is an industrial process equipment engineering and metal fabrication company specializing in designing, building, and installing equipment for customers throughout the U.S. and worldwide. We are well known as a leading ASME pressure vessel manufacturer in ASME Section VIII, also producing a full range of jacketed vessels for many different applications. Our company’s strength is our diversity, both in the wide-ranging knowledge of our team and in the many varied markets we are capable of serving with experience and skill. In every project, we strive to demonstrate integrity, a commitment to safety, and our unrivaled determination to deliver quality results tailored to each customer’s unique needs.
Providing superior products and services at a competitive price with integrity.
R-V was founded in 1974 in Honey Brook, PA by Ronald L. Putt and Victor D. Dodd as a small job shop offering custom manufacturing services. In August of 1977, R-V experienced a major fire that virtually destroyed our entire facility, but rather than be deterred, Ron and Vic resolved to rebuild and come back stronger than ever. By September of 1980, R-V’s manufacturing space had been repaired, and our facilities expanded through the 1980s and 1990s to meet rising demand.
R-V Industries is proud to have built a team of more than 270 manufacturing and engineering professionals who have diverse experience in the numerous industries we serve. Our daily mission is to take our custom welding and fabricated experience to deliver our customers industrial equipment. Every member of our team shares the goal of delivering superior products that represent effective solutions to each customer’s biggest industrial process challenges.
Amet ipsum id sem quis mauris porttitor conse quat id vitae dolor. Phasellus ligula velit molestie rhoncus ullamcorper mauris ultricies mi at pharetra lorem.
Morbi eu enim ac risus varius porta ac nec dui. Praesent eleifend, ipsum et bibendum lobortis, ex nulla laoreet!
Nam id sem quis mauris porttitor conse quat id vitae dolor. Phasellus ligula velit molestie rhoncus ullamcorper mauris ultricies mi at pharetra.
Duis ornare, est at lobortis mollis, felis libero mollis orci, vitae congue neque lectus vel neque. Aliquam ultrices erat.
Dolor quis mauris porttitor conse quat id vitae dolor. Phasellus ligula velit molestie rhoncus ullamcorper mauris ultricies mi at pharetra.